TEARS OF A TIGER: Seeing Behind the Masks

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This section is for you dear educator!  I have included one of my  studyguides that I use for this novel as well as a pre-read lesson plan.  I tend to read this book with sophomores early in the school year to get the creative juices flowing. I also have already reviewed the writing process and pre-write process with them.  This project is a lithmus test for me to see what they have retained and where we need to go.  Anyway, I hope some of it is useful to you. 










After students settle, ask them to get out paper/pen and then put them in groups of 3.  Next, Ask them to list all the different ways written language is presented to us (ie… newspaper, books, journals…).  Move around room as they discuss and write their answers.  Tell them that you’re going to set the timer for 10 minutes.  After it goes off ask the groups to share their lists.  Write the responses on the board and check the ones that are repeated.  Ask students to write all the responses on their own paper as well.  At this point introduce and define the word GENRE.

Ask students to move back into their regular seats.  Have students write on their paper- Which are the 2 genres that I most enjoy- why and what genre is one I don’t enjoy- why.  Have students write their answers for a few minutes and then ask them to pair and share their answers.  If time permits, ask a few students to share their thoughts and be sure to share your own as well.









Have students get their copy of Tears of a Tiger our and ask them to thumb through the novel and write down as many different types of genre as they encounter in looking over the novel.  Give students roughly 5-7 minutes to do this.  As a large group again, list the different genres that are present on the board.  Ask students why they think there are so many different genres in the novel.  What could be beneficial?  What could be negative?

 After this be sure to look at specifically: JOURNAL, NARRATIVE, MEDIA and point out the unique information that each gives (ie.. journal- character’s TRUE feelings, media- sterilized information, narrative- omniscent/all-knowing storyteller- allows the reader to know more than the characters.



Then, have students read pages 1-29 and answer the study guide attached for the duration of the class.





















Answer on a separate sheet of paper!  Each answer is worth number of points boldfaced by number.


1. 6  A newspaper article is suppose to answer the “5 W’s and an H” (who, what, where, when, why, & how).  Look at  the newspaper articles on pages 1-2, and 20-22.  Double check to be sure that these articles do their jobs by finding the answers to the “5 W’s and an H”.








2. 10  Think about the night of  the accident.  Pretend that you are

          there.  Think about what the scene looks like.

          - What does the car look like?

          - What does it smell like?

          - What are the survivors doing?

          - What are the people around doing?

          - What are some of the other details which are going through

         your mind?


3.  4 What do you think the author’s purpose was in giving us the newspaper article before beginning the story?  How does that effect your reading of the first few chapters?



4. 5  Identify each of the teens in the car the night of the accident.  Who does each one blame for the accident?



5.5  What kind of person is B.J. – describe him physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Why do you suppose he turns to God?



6. 3  How does Rhonda react to the accident?



7.  5 By reading the school newspaper, we learn a lot about the way in which the student body reacts to the accident.  Identify 5 things you learn about their feelings by reading the article.



8.   10 The conversation between Andy and the coach is the first time we really begin to see how Andy is dealing with the accident. 

          - Is Andy completely honest with the coach?  How do you


          - How does Andy feel about what happened?

          - What kind of person is the Coach?  How do you know?

          -Why does the coach tell Andy to stop “punishing himself”.

          -Does the coach do a good job, in your opinion, talking with 

          Andy? Explain your answer!

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